According to Jewish Law:
Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim, 618:4) states that when you have 2 doctors who say that there’s a risk of death, even if 100 doctors say there’s no risk, we listen to the 2 doctors.
The Mishna Berurah explains:
“ולא אזלינן בתר רב דעות בסכנת נפשות”
– and we don’t follow the majority opinion in matters of danger to life.
Please note: This post is being periodically updated.
Doctors & Scientists adamantly warn against getting the jab
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko
Board Certified Family Physician
- The doctor whose treatment saved thousands worldwide with a 99% survival for high risk Covid-19 patients
- Nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Recognized as a hero at U.S. Senate Homeland Security committee hearing
- Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Dr. Byram Bridle
Viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Watch video online here
Moralization of Covid-19 health response
The following video is a review of the case report Moralization of Covid-19 health response: Asymmetry in tolerance for human costs from the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 93, March 2021, 104084.
It can also be seen here: https://odysee.com/@shanedk:4/covid-19-when-science-becomes-religion:0
Find the downloadable pdf of the case report posted below the video.
Pdf of full case report can be viewed here.
See also Are the lives of Covid-19 patients really worth 6x more than the lives of others?
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Ryan Cole, CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics on Vitamin D, Ivermectin, “Vaccines”
Dr. Pinki Feinstein
Dr. Pinki Feinstein: “Don’t Believe. Know.” (Hebrew)
Chairman of the Civil Investigation Committee
Your responsibility for your children’s lives is more important than your belief in the vaccine. (Regarding the expected imminent campaign in Israel to vaccinate children beginning with those 12 years and over.)
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Seeing 2020: The Censored Science of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Watch the full movie here: Seeing-2020
Colleen Huber, NMD
COVID-19 VACCINE Considerations
February 21, 2021, last updated April 10, 2021
“Most of the links below are from medical journals, the FDA, CDC, and other entities that generally support vaccination, yet the information in this article shows how EXTREMELY RISKY the COVID-19 vaccines are.
“In my family, we have a rule: If you consider having an experimental medical procedure done,
Don’t even think of insisting that anyone else have it done, inside or outside the family, because they control their own bodies and health decisions, not you; and
Be sure you have read about and can explain in your own words all of the known risks of that procedure before embarking on it. Also, consider potential future risks.
“I ask that you, the reader, at least take time to consider the above, and at least consider reading information in the links below, before submitting to this experimental medical procedure.
“Is the COVID vaccine experimental? Pfizer and Moderna make the COVID-19 vaccines in the US. The FDA granted “emergency use authorization” for these vaccines (herein “COVID injections,” because they are unlike conventional vaccines). Emergency use authorization is required by law to be made only if there are no effective treatments for COVID-19.
But are there effective COVID-19 treatments? 100s of studies done around the world have established, and repeatedly confirmed, fast, effective, well-tolerated treatments for COVID-19 that are in widespread use. I briefly summarize them here.
General risk vs benefit An emergency experimental vaccine cannot be assumed to be safer than a virus with a very high survival rate, such as COVID-19. The average survival rate for NO COVID treatment at all is 99.74%, and we have very successful treatments available, which should easily achieve universal survivability from COVID, if widely available. Where does 99.74% survival come from? Dr. John Ioannidis is the most widely cited scientist in the world. His estimate in June 2020 of a 0.26% infection fatality rate is now confirmed around the world. 100% – 0.26% = 99.74% average survival rate.
“Does the COVID injection work? The COVID injection is not even known to stop the spread of COVID. Dr. Larry Corey, who oversees National Institutes of Health COVID-19 vaccine trials said on 11/20/20: “The studies aren’t designed to assess transmission. They don’t ask that question, and there’s really no information on this at this point in time.” https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/941388.
“The FDA confirms that the 1st vaccine dose correlates with increased COVID-19 infections. “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs 287 in the placebo group.” This data comes from Pfizer itself. See p 42 of https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download
“What happened to the animals in the studies? This technology has been tried on animals, and in the animal studies done, all the animals died, not immediately from the injection, but months later, from other immune disorders, sepsis and/or cardiac failure. There has never been a long-term successful animal study using this technology. No experimental coronavirus vaccine has succeeded in animal studies. In this study, coronavirus vaccine caused liver inflammation in test animals.
“Specific risks of COVID injections, in roughly chronological order of side-effect manifestation:
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is one of the ingredients. This has been correlated with anaphylactic shock. So the CDC is now recommending intubation kits at vaccination sites.
- Cationic lipid coating of mRNA is known for many years to be toxic, because these (+) charged fats interact with the (–) charges on our amino acids, our cell membranes and the phosphates of our DNA. Cationic lipids are attracted to and are destructive toward:
- Lungs ,
- Mitochondria, red blood cells, white blood cells,
- Liver,
- Immune and nervous systems function (This is the likely cause of the Bell’s Palsy and tremors that are seen in vaccine victims.)
- mRNA: Unlike a traditional vaccine, of injected, inactivated virus intended to stimulate antibody response, the COVID injection on the other hand is completely different in this respect. It uses messenger RNA (mRNA), which is a blueprint for your cells to create COVID-like (spike) proteins. Then your cells begin to make these COVID-like proteins. However, those proteins, in turn, stimulate your body to make antibodies against them. So now your body has been turned into a munitions factory for both sides of a war: The bad guys (COVID-like spike proteins) and the good guys (the antibodies fighting against them). However, before you pledge allegiance to the good guys, as you will see below, the good guys can be more lethal to the vaccinated person.
History of mRNA injections: This technology had disastrous results in dengue fever vaccines in the past. Dengue vaccine is a mRNA vaccine. When this was used in children in the Philippines, many vaccinated children had far worse outcomes than unvaccinated children when they were later exposed to dengue, and many died. Prosecution for homicide resulted. However, this had previously been known to happen with ferrets and with cats. In all cases, the vaccinated animal or human became more vulnerable to worse disease when confronted with it. It is expected that the relatively mild COVID-19 illness, with a survival rate of 99.74%, may reduce to a much lower survival rate and become a truly lethal disease in vaccinated people when they later become infected with it. There are no peer-reviewed published human trials of mRNA vaccines at all, and no mRNA vaccine has ever been FDA approved. That’s how new the technology is.
mRNA can affect DNA. One of the most worrisome risks with a mRNA vaccine is what can happen with reverse transcriptase. This is an enzyme in every cell, and it can theoretically lead to the mRNA creating changes in the cells’ DNA, a process known as viral retro-integration. Although this possibility had been thought unlikely, MIT and Harvard scientists found it happened here. If some of the 30 trillion or so cells in your body become permanent COVID factories, what is the long-term impact on your health, and would you want that outcome?”
Read more here
Geert Vanden Bossche
Full interview Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche
Here’s his letter sent to the WHO urging stoppage of the vaccine program:
Watch this clip of the Vanden Bossche interview on the Highwire
Follow-up from above video: Del Takes on the Vanden Bossche ‘Fallout’
Dr. Peter McCullough
Peter McCullough, MD Testifies How Successful Early Treatment for Covid Makes Vaccines Unnecessary
Congressional hearing
Heiko Schöning
Medical doctors and lawyers allied against global malfeasance: in conversation with Heiko Schöning
See more at Covid-19 Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee
Heiko Schöning, M.D. arrested unlawful at Speakers Corner London 26.09.2020, Interview on English
Rabbi Yuval Asherov
Read the full article about the Health Ministry and Rabbi Asherov here
Dr. Lee Merritt
Authoritarianism is the Most Deadly Virus: Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Andy Kaufman
Dr. Dolores Cahill, PhD
Molecular Biologist Explains that SARS Vaccines Make Humans Genetically modified Organisms (GMOs)
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Northrup Discusses “Worst Case Scenario” with New Covid Vaccine Dangers
Multiple doctors from around the world
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!
Dr. Simone Gold, America’s Frontline Doctors
Dr Simone Gold “The truth about the CV 19 vaccine
The following speech was given January 3, 2021, before there was much data on injuries and deaths from the vaccine. Toward the end of the video, Dr. Gold gives the America’s Frontline Doctors recommendations regarding the vaccine, discouraging, yet allowing for personal choice for older individuals with comorbidities and the elderly. Today, we know that the vaccine is most dangerous for the elderly and those in nursing homes, although many younger people have been seriously harmed and died after receiving the vaccine, as well.1
“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. – “Thousands of Doctors” Are Being Silenced
Watch America’s Frontline Doctors Summit 1 here
Watch America’s Frontline Doctors Summit II here
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