For I and My People Have Been Sold – Explo$ive Revelations: What role did $390 Million from govt to “Executive Medical Services” play in ensuring the Jewish community didn’t learn truth about vax?
Is government money to EMS and to Dr. Aaron Glatt’s hospital the reason why there was a virtual gag order on covid shot danger info in the Five Towns area, and on YWN?
Republished with permission from in In G-d’s Army There’s Only Truth
This is not a pleasant post to write. In fact, I approach the task with hesitancy and only after a clear Rabbinical directive urging me to publicize this information. Opening eyes equals saving lives.
The bombshell I discovered left me shaken, and you will likely feel similarly.
כִּי נִמְכַּרְנוּ אֲנִי וְעַמִּי לְהַשְׁמִיד לַהֲרוֹג וּלְאַבֵּד
For the past three years, there has been a big question mark – why did the Five Towns [on Long Island, New York] and surrounding communities fall for the covid and vaccine scam, hook, line, and sinker? Why were Dr. Glatt and other powers-that-be who held sway over the people so irrationally antagonistic to any truth that would have saved lives – anything that went against the government narrative?
We may have now found another part of the answer.
The Torah tells us that once money enters the picture, people’s judgment is clouded.
We already know that Dr. Aaron Glatt was the Nassau County covid liaison to the community to promote the government objectives, and that he is a spokesman for IDSA, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, which strongly promotes vaccination (more on this soon.)
But this new revelation tops all.
What effect does a contract worth $390 million have on a dentist living in Lawrence named Martin (Moshe) Cukier, who owns a medical company called Executive Medical Services, aka Affiliated Physicians? When the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene hired him to give covid tests and covid vaccines, did he close his eyes to dangers of the shots that he’d heard about? Did he perhaps also exert influence in his community to ensure that information which would be harmful to his lucrative business would not become known? I do not know, but we must consider this possibility to help explain behavior in the community which otherwise made no sense.
Three hundred and ninety MILLION DOLLARS is HUGE.
What did Martin Cukier do for this $390 million payment?
The Epoch Times reported in a July 5 article by Zachary Steiber:
“The contract paid Executive Medical Services to create long-term and temporary, or popup, sites for COVID-19 testing or vaccination. Out of 302 sites, 267 were temporary.
“The agency originally agreed to pay Executive Medical Services up to $500,000. After six amendments to the contract, stretching it through the end of 2022, the agency paid the contractor some $390 million.”
The lucrative deal came under scrutiny recently because of the results of an audit by New York City Comptroller Brad Lander.
ET reports:
“New York City health officials regularly overpaid a contractor to administer COVID-19 tests and vaccines, paying as much as $14,050 for a single COVID-19 vaccination, an audit shows.
“Officials let Executive Medical Services, a contractor awarded a contract early in the COVID-19 pandemic, to set its own staffing levels, leading to uncontrolled costs, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander found.
That led to exorbitant costs and low efficiency, with an analysis of invoices showing that only one vaccination was administered for every two billed hours.”
Would it not be fair to require Drs. Martin Cukier and Aaron Glatt to use their earnings to pay for the treatments of vaxxed community members – or anyone injected at Martin’s hundreds of COVID-19 vaccine sites – who now have chronic severe health problems? Not only that. Why should the people who got the shots and are now in danger of blood clots pay for their own preventative treatments? And what about reparations to the loved ones of every victim they injected who has died?
Here is the proof that Martin (Moshe) Cukier is the CEO of Executive Medical Services, otherwise known as Affiliated Physicians, (and which formed a partnership with Mt. Sinai Hospital in 2014):
I want to demonstrate how irrationally the leadership of the Five Towns and of the surrounding area fell into lockstep with the wholly unscientific CDC propaganda – and just how deep the antagonism went in the leadership of the communities to any crack in the lies they promoted. This obviously had a direct effect of causing death and injury from the vaccines.
Here is Dr. Aaron Glatt on February 27, 2021. The question to be asked is, which word is not a lie?
If you click “Watch on YouTube” the video does work, for now. (Don’t be surprised if he removes it.)
A little excerpt:
Remember that Dr. Glatt, in his capacity at Mt. Sinai South Nassau, is responsible for the death of a 52 year-old wife and mother, Deborah Bucko, as he refused to allow the administration to her of ivermectin, a harmless drug – even as she neared death and her husband pleaded for the chance to save her life. The court twice ordered that Deborah be given the drug, and she showed improvement. As her husband and Dr. Glatt fought in court the third time, Deborah died.
This is an interview with her husband, Scott Mantel:
In the spring and summer of 2021, when we were desperately trying to get information on the truths about the deadly injections to communities who were in the dark, we published an ad in a Queens community publication and mailed materials to many thousands of households – at an expense of tens of thousands of dollars, funded by donors whose only interest was saving lives.
See Dr. Glatt’s furious response to the ad:
Here is the apology for the ads, which the publisher was bullied into printing. Notice how their “correct” information was obtained from JOWMA, of all places.JOWMA has since removed all their covid vax information from their own website, as it aged terribly.
Dr. Glatt claimed to “not make a penny” from promoting the vaccines, but we know that his very identity and career is based on promoting the government/pharma party line.
In fact, Dr. Glatt was considered so “reliable” that he was appointed very early on as the government liaison to the Nassau County community:
For additional context, Dr. Glatt has been a spokesperson for many years for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. See his LinkedIn profile:
Dr. Glatt’s hospital, Mt. Sinai South Nassau, (listed in the link below as South Nassau Communities Hospital due to their merger) received $84.5 million from the government under the CARES act, as well as additional millions in funding from other sources (the Federal government used billions of dollars to bribe medical centers by means of various programs – such as the American Rescue Plan and through NYC and NYS governments.)
Here is an example of a CDC agreement which clearly obligated the recipients of the CDC grant money to promote the covid vaccines. They had to document how they were using the money to provide and increase vaccination and show proof of the resulting upsurge in community vax uptake.
(Of course, hundreds of thousands of other medical centers and doctors received huge payments to promote and provide the covid shots, as well – not just Mt. Sinai.)
Here’s the CARES Act-funded vaxmobile from Dr. Glatt’s hospital:
The Vaxmobile was first funded in January 2021 with $695,042 from the $133 million federal CARES Act legislation. Funding was continued into 2022.
So WHAT did Dr. Glatt mean, exactly, when he said he “doesn’t make a penny” from promoting the vaccine?
Was correct information on the dangers of the covid vaccines and on effective treatment for the disease even accessible early on?
Yes – the truth was already available – from the very beginning of the rollout – to anyone who earnestly sought it. Didn’t Dr. Glatt, with the weight of the community – who hung onto his words, around his shoulders, have the responsibility to think critically, do a proper investigation, and be sure he was thoroughly informed on these life-and-death matters?
Didn’t Dr. Martin Cukier have a responsibility to thoroughly investigate the possible effects of the brand new shot he was being paid so handsomely to inject into the public?
Yet Dr. Glatt refused Dr. Zelenko’s invitation to participate in a repurposed drug trial (Dr. Zelenko told me this himself), refused the invitation to debate the world-class physician, Peter McCullough MD, (who is a public health expert), and clearly had no interest in learning about the critical information that Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, and their numerous colleagues had.
Of course, every one of Dr. Glatt’s assertions about the vaccine has proven patently false.
For an up-close look at just how unscientific the covid response of Dr. Glatt and other Modern Orthodox leaders was, see this article which was just published on Brownstone:
Here, one can see the leaders promoting the vaccine clearly speaking from a script …. this is not how Torah Judaism works.
Here Dr. Peter McCullough MD deftly refuted Dr. Glatt’s deadly misinformation in July 2021: or
For another fascinating look at the propaganda of 2021, here is an additional article that came out in response to our mailings – in the Long Island Herald. This piece makes a slight attempt to be more balanced. It actually has a picture of the table of contents of my book, Look Before You Leap, which someone spent his savings to send to every community he could, in an effort to save them.,132823
Again, what role did the government/pharma payoffs received by Dr. Martin Cukier, Dr. Aaron Glatt, (and the community medical centers and hospitals) play in the religious-like vax push to the community, and the suppression of true information?
To say that they have been 100 percent wrong in everything they so unequivocally assured their communities would be an understatement.
Yeshiva World News – a Five Towns-connected publication – is going to have a lot of explaining to do, as they continually published lies promoting the covid vaccines. Even now, as they have no choice but to acknowledge some injuries, YWN sickeningly, falsely continues to claim they’re “extremely rare.”
In fact, here is one of those not-so-rare patients – my friend, Beverly Steinberg, a Five Towns resident who’s had her life destroyed by her second covid shot.
Click here for the second part of the article:
Related articles:
- Dr. Peter McCullough vs Dr. Aaron Glatt on Covid Vaccines, Treatments, and More
- Reports of Serious Adverse Events After Covid Vaccination in the Frum/Dati Community
- Rabbi Yosef Binaymin Wosner After Hearing Testimony: It is Forbidden to Give the Covid Vaccine to Children
Additional information:
Deborah Bucko’s husband is suing Mt. Sinai South Nassau for wrongful death
Warshawsky Law Firm Represents Long Island Man In Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Hospital That Refused To Treat Wife’s Severe COVID-19 Illness With Ivermectin
Featured image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay