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Covid-19 Vaccines Are Dangerous for Children
This post will be updated as new information becomes available.
Ella Nave
B.A. Biology, MPH Epidemiology – Environmental Epidemiologist and Activist
Hebrew with English subtitles
Automated Experiment
How would the children react to the experimental vaccine-genetic therapy
Dr. Peter McCullough
Professor of Medicine, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with > 1000 publications and > 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.
“Never in modern medicine have we ever considered mass vaccination of children with an investigational biologic product with no proven efficacy or safety. Fortunately, studies demonstrated that children could not asymptomatically spread the virus. SARS-CoV-2 causes a very mild upper respiratory tract infection in children, and last year, more children died of influenza than COVID-19.
“Now the issue of vaccination has been brought forward for children with limited studies demonstrating COVID-19 antibodies after vaccination. These registrational studies for the mRNA vaccines demonstrated no clinical benefit. Conversely, data from the VAERS system demonstrates that more children will be harmed with the mRNA vaccines than will benefit from immunization against SARS-CoV-2.
“In the end, it appears that the vaccine stakeholders: Pfizer, Moderna, JNJ, NIH, CDC, FDA, those entities that stand to benefit from a “needle-in-every-arm” want children to become vaccinated not for the benefit of the children, but for the perceived protection of others.
Read more and listen to his podcast here.
VAERS data
Adverse events of Covid vaccines in children
Dr. Paul Alexander
Former HHS COVID advisor
Warns against children getting the COVID vaccine. Dr. Paul Alexander explains why he believes kids should not get the coronavirus vaccine on “The Ingraham Angle”
Watch online here:
Dr. Byram Bridle
Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Download pdf here; View online .
COVID-19 Vaccines and Children:
A Scientist’s Guide for Parents
Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD
Associate Professor of Viral Immunology
June 15, 2021
Canadian Covid Care Alliance
“Executive Summary
“Pfizer BioNTech’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has been Authorized under an Interim Order by Health Canada for use in Canadians as young as 12 years old, with mandatory commitments for the monitoring of long-term safety and efficacy. Authorization under an Interim Order means additional information is needed on the safety, efficacy, and quality of the vaccine, including in children and adolescents, to support the future full market approval and licensing of the vaccine.
“There is some uncertainty regarding the long-term safety of Pfizer BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine in all individuals, and especially in children, youth, and younger adults of child-bearing age. Indeed, some key safety studies appear to have been missed in the rush to roll out the vaccines, and more is being learned about the vaccines every day. For example, there was a previously wide-held assumption that vaccination with the mRNA vaccines is safe because it is a localized event in the body, with the vaccine remaining limited to the shoulder muscle following injection and triggering an immune response in the local lymph nodes. However, there is evidence that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine does not remain at the injection site. In fact, once injected, the vaccine contents appear to travel extensively throughout the body, to the brain and other sensitive tissues, such as bone marrow, spleen, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries etc. Whether these body sites are involved in producing the spike protein is not known, as this was never studied. Nonetheless, new data have been published that, following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine (an mRNA vaccine very similar to Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine), the spike protein can enter the circulatory system. Presumably, this means the spike protein can travel extensively throughout the body.
It is important to understand which organs are producing the spike protein, what factors result in the spike protein entering the circulation, how long the spike protein circulates, and in which body fluids (e.g., semen, saliva, breast milk, urine) the spike protein is present. This information is incredibly important because recent data have come to light that the spike protein is “biologically active”. This means that the spike protein is not just an antigen that is recognized by the immune system as being foreign. It means that the spike protein, itself, can interact with receptors throughout the body, called ACE2 receptors, potentially causing undesirable effects such as damage to the heart and cardiovascular system, blood clots, bleeding, and neurological effects. Although some might argue that the risk of the spike protein causing this type of damage is only a theoretical risk, when we are mass vaccinating a population of predominantly healthy people, including children, adolescents, and adults of child-bearing age, there is absolutely no room for avoidable error.“The current scientific uncertainties demand that the administration of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to children, adolescents, and young adults of child-bearing age be paused until proper scientific studies that focus on the safety and pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of the vaccines and the vaccine encoded spike protein can be conducted. Halting the vaccination can be done safely because:
“• The risk of severe and potentially lethal COVID-19 in these specific populations is so low that we need to be very certain that risks associated with mass vaccination are not higher;
“• Asymptomatic members of this population are not a substantial risk for passing COVID-19 to others; and
“• There are effective early-treatment strategies for the very few children, adolescents, and young adults of child-bearing age who may be at risk of developing severe COVID-19, such as ivermectin, fluvoxamine, and budesonide.
“It is not appropriate to use an “experimental” vaccine in a population group unless the benefit of vaccination exceeds the risk of vaccination in that population group. With risk of severe COVID-19 in children, adolescents, and young adults of child-bearing age already so low, the benefit of vaccinating these population groups with a vaccine for which neither the long-term safety nor efficacy is known cannot be concluded to exceed the risk. In other words, the risk of serious COVID-19 is so low in children, adolescents, and young adults of child-bearing age that the standards for safety must be set much higher for them.”
Read full document here.
America’s Frontline Doctors
Serious violations and manipulations of trial protocol’: How Pfizer obtained FDA emergency authorization for children
June 8, 2021
by Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz
“Analysis and comparison of the review document submitted by Pfizer to the US Food and Drug Administration, on the basis of which the FDA gave the green light to expand the emergency permit for vaccination also for children aged 12-15 (1), as opposed to the study protocol in children (2, 3), reveal concerning findings, including violations of the protocol established by Pfizer itself, and no less serious, designing the trial protocol in a way that will allow the company to present as positive findings as possible in terms of vaccine safety in children.
“Violation of protocol conditions – How did children with a psychiatric diagnosis get to be included in the study?
According to the review document submitted by Pfizer to the FDA, four of the 1,131 children in the study arm who received Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine suffered from serious adverse events (“SAEs”) – that is, events in which at least one criterion was met: caused death, is life-threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent disability/incapacity, or congenital anomaly/birth defect.“Of these four children, three had such severe depression that they were hospitalized shortly after vaccination (in the first 7 days after the first dose, in the second only one day after the second dose, and in the third 15 days after the first dose, respectively).
“The consequence of this finding is extremely worrying, as it means that one in every 350-400 children who are vaccinated might suffer from severe depression and need hospitalization.
“To reassure us, Pfizer notes in its review document that in fact, all three children had a pre-existing diagnosis of anxiety and depression. Moreover, they explain – all three actually reported a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that began within 1-2 months prior to vaccination.
““Worsening suicidal ideas with initial SSRI treatment in adolescents”, they explain, “is a recognized risk and provides a reasonable alternative explanation for depression exacerbation in these BNT162b2 recipients”. So here you go – why blame the vaccine, when there is a perfectly reasonable and logical alternative explanation for the exacerbation of their depression?
“What is the problem with this explanation?
Read more here.
Dr. Pinky Feinstein
Psychiatrist, head of the Israel People’s Committee investigating the Covid vaccine.
See original post here
Dr. Peter McCullough
Professor of Medicine, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine
Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Gambling with the Lives of Children to Protect Adults
by Dr. Peter McCullough, Jun 2, 2021
“Never in modern medicine have we ever considered mass vaccination of children with an investigational biologic product with no proven efficacy or safety. Fortunately, studies demonstrated that children could not asymptomatically spread the virus. SARS-CoV-2 causes a very mild upper respiratory tract infection in children, and last year, more children died of influenza than COVID-19.
“Now the issue of vaccination has been brought forward for children with limited studies demonstrating COVID-19 antibodies after vaccination. These registrational studies for the mRNA vaccines demonstrated no clinical benefit. Conversely, data from the VAERS system demonstrates that more children will be harmed with the mRNA vaccines than will benefit from immunization against SARS-CoV-2.
“In the end, it appears that the vaccine stakeholders: Pfizer, Moderna, JNJ, NIH, CDC, FDA, those entities that stand to benefit from a “needle-in-every-arm” want children to become vaccinated not for the benefit of the children, but for the perceived protection of others.”
Read more/listen to podcast here.
Dr. Amir Shachar
Dr. Avshalom Carmel
Dr. Shachar is director of the emergency room at Laniado hospital.
A plea not to vaccinate children. Children do not get ill from Covid. No child has died from corona. There is no reason to vaccinate them. No one knows the long term adverse effects. Our children are not human shields. Devastating injuries have already been seen from the vaccines. In Hebrew; you don’t need to understand the language to understand the video.
93 Israeli Doctors
93 doctors have signed a joint letter of protest calling to refrain from administering Covid-19 vaccines to children.
Arutz Sheva Staff, Apr 11 , 2021
“In a letter, the contents of which reached Channel 12, submitted this morning, the doctors explained that “There is no room to vaccinate children at this time,” and based the call on “the following values – the value of caution, the value of humility”, as well as understanding that “haste is from the devil.” They also cited “the recognition that we do not understand everything about the virus and the vaccine against it,” and “the first commandment of medicine – ‘First do not harm.'”
“The letter includes the signatures of Dr. Amir Shachar, director of the emergency room at Laniado Hospital, Dr. Yoav Yehezkeli, an expert in internal medicine and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Avi Mizrahi, director of the intensive care unit at Kaplan Hospital.
“The doctors addressed the letter “to the chiefs of the Ministry of Health, to our fellow doctors around the country, and to the entire public.”
“They noted that “the increasingly prevalent opinion within the scientific community is that the vaccine cannot lead to herd immunity, therefore there is currently no ‘altruistic’ justification for vaccinating children to protect at-risk populations.”
“They added that even today it is unclear whether the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus and for how long it confers protection, and noted that new variants “that may be more resistant to vaccination are popping up all the time.”
“”We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them,” they wrote. “Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility.”
Read more here.
Doctors warn about infertility
DR. Simone Gold
Medical doctor, emergency room physician, and lawyer
Board-certified emergency physician, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors
“If the systicio-trophoblast inflammation is permanent, which they think it might be, with the mRNA vaccine, you’ve traded a temporary kind-of flu illness for life-long infertility. … How can you … give this to young women when you don’t know?”
Learn more about the Frontline doctors here.
Dr. Byram Bridle
“I have many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety, therefore, of this vaccine. For example, with it accumulating in the ovaries … will be we rendering young people infertile?”
Watch here.
Steve Kirsch
Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund
Regarding the Covid-19 vaccine mRNA accumulating in the ovaries:
“Here’s what this means. This vaccine seeks out your daughter’s ovaries and instructs the cells in the ovaries to turn out a very toxic spike protein. … It may permanently damage your child’s reproductive system. We just don’t know. Would you like to volunteer your child for a clinical trial so we can find out? Well if so, and if your child concurs, then get vaccinated and be part of the largest experiment ever done on the human reproductive system.
““The destruction we are doing to our kid’s hearts, brains and especially their ovaries. We are harming perfectly healthy young adults. For example, the miscarriage rates are alarming post vaccination: 82% spontaneous abortion rate before 20 weeks.””
Read more here.
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