Pele Yoetz – “And to what is it similar? If 99 doctors are saying it does not do damage, and one is saying that there is danger and a matter of life and death if he eats it, who is foolish not to listen to his opinion? Certainly the intelligent person will say: What about me and this trouble to enter into a doubt of danger? Best to sit and not do anything.”
This post is being updated as new information becomes available, so please remember to revisit. Last update – Jan. 17, 2022.
Please note: We have vetted this information and believe it to be correct. If there is an error, or a Rav has modified or corrected an inaccurate report, please let us know so that we can correct it.
Some of our related articles:
- Dangers of a Covid-19 Vaccine – What Rabbis Have Written
- What Does Medical Consensus and Majority Opinion of Doctors Mean?
- The Covid-19 Vaccine: Do I or Don’t I Take it?
- What You Should Know About mRNA Vaccines – Clearly Explained
- Rodef Shalom’s Response to Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen
- Rebuilding Judaism: The Torah’s Permission for Doctors to Heal vs Public Health
Table of Contents
Rabbis adamantly warn against getting the vaccine
Midst the cacophony of rabbis making headlines by urging everyone to get a Covid-19 vaccine, possibly to the point of getting it on Shabbos, there are a growing number of rabbis who are urgently warning the public against getting the vaccine. (Please don’t miss the section Injections and the Period before Mashiach at the end.)
This is what they have to say:
HaRav Yeshaya Meshulam Feish Rotenberg, Rozla Rebbe, Beitar Illit
This is the English Translation. Read the Hebrew here (English also included).
Please listen רבותי דיינים מומחים, this is not the time for etiquette, not the time to be silent, and not the time to turn a blind eye, we are dealing with matters of life and death, and it is everyone’s duty to thoroughly check and find out the truth, and the obligation is on you to awaken the world in this time of utter darkness with the true light of the Torah, one which is based on the actual reality. And so I turn to you דיינים מומחים , it is clear to me as the sun that you do not have the time to get to the root of things and find out every detail, it is clear to me as the sun that there are those among you who
do not know foreign languages and you are not able to check original sources, it is clear to me that you are forced to rely on those who are considered to be knowledgeable experts and earned their trust over the years.
But you also need to know that a) the agencies that are in charge of monitoring and approving the vaccines as well as those that promote and advise, receive direct funding from the vaccine companies, b) the contracts between the countries and the vaccine companies are mostly either fully confidential or with large sections that are redacted, such that it is impossible to know what they agreed on between them on the backs of the citizens and without their consent, and the handful of countries whose contracts somehow leaked into the public domain were actually shown to contain very concerning information, c) the decision-making process of the governments on coronavirus matters is done secretly and without any transparency, and they flip-flop from moment to moment with draconian regulations that disrupt the order of life without any explanations as to what the guidelines are based on, even though we are dealing with things that completely go against all democratic norms that existed till now, d) most if not all advisors/askanim who earned our trust over the course of many years and rightly so, are currently betraying this loyalty, and are exploiting the automatic trust that they acquired, to do bad, and they went over to serve the שטן in exchange for payment, some as donations to their organizations
and some as part of a budget allocated specifically to advisors, and some as both, and perhaps there are among them who have received threats and are forced out of fear for their lives to go against their belief, media personnel in general and Charedim in particular, and they also appointed special people to act within our communities, to skew and mislead them.
For this reason, no trust should be put in them, and anything and everything requires meticulous investigation and inquiry. I myself do not believe anything or anyone no matter who it may be without doing my own investigations until I get to the source or to the best of my ability sufficiently enough that it can be trusted. I have come to realize over time that there are things and orders said in the name of גדולים that when I inquired with them personally it became clear that it never happened and nothing even similar.
“And for now I have come”, in the wake of the information I have acquired I have come to a clear knowledge and complete understanding that this injection is an injection of death, that its benefit does not exist and the damage is certain and to a much greater extent than what they reveal to the public. It has been more than a year since I published a pamphlet in which I proved some of the lies of the establishment, and even before they began to vaccinate, I clarified the איסור of taking this injection, although at the time it did not enter my mind on what shaky foundations they will later be מתיר the injection.
But, please know רבותי , I sent this pamphlet either in person or through a messenger to several רבנים, some of whom I even attached a letter to, and some of whom I spoke with directly, none of whom answered to the substance of the matter, did not refute my words, did not make me aware of my mistake if I had one, רבותי! This is not the way of Torah, to hear only one side – the official position of the government and their representative, and to turn away the eye and close the ears from hearing another side, something that was the norm and accepted up until תש”פ, and such is also mentioned in הלכה that other opinions are supposed to be heard and to weigh, investigate, and conclude to one way or the other, how is it possible to hear only those who talk words of arrogance and vanity without providing any proof to their statements, and only because they dare to lie brazenly and present their words with excessive self-confidence and resolve, to believe them and based on this to rule on דיני נפשות, literally and not as a משל or imagination, but actually literally? And then, in their comfortable and secure shadow, make exaggerated declarations and in ways of expressions that are unfit for תלמידי חכמים and ‘יראי ה, in regards to the “anti-vaxxers”, when there was no fulfillment of שמוע בין אחיכם ושפטתם צדק, and certainly this is not the way of the Torah, when you then return home and put on an innocent face, after you have handed over and abandoned our blood to the hands of wicked men and rotten criminals, יועצי אחיתופל and media clerks who are hiding under the apron of ‘דעת תורה’ of ‘all’ גדולי ישראל. I ask and of beg of you a) that you do your own research and investigations down to original sources as much as possible, slowly and seriously, and to earnestly listen to experts from both sides, because life depends on them, b) if I am right, then it is your obligation to speak your mind in a loud and clear voice, and if I am wrong, then it is your obligation to correct me on my mistake and in what I erred, to save us from deception and stumbling block, there is no היתר in the world to ignore my words in either direction, or the truth is with me and it must be voiced not only by me but also by you, and on the way to protest vigorously against those reckless and empty ones who took advantage of your innocence and trust that you placed in them, and they denigrated you and the honor of your Torah, or you are right and I am wrong, then it is also your duty to set us on the truth and prevent me from harming, חלילה , any Jewish soul.
And I will end with the answer I gave to one חכם who asked me, and it will be when you will stand before the בי”ד של מעלה and they will ask you, so and so passed away because he listened to you and did not take the shot, what will you answer on the יום הדין and what will you answer on the יום התוכחה? I answered him that I would bring in front of them the hundreds of days and thousands of hours and tens of thousands of pages and recordings that I heard and saw and checked and researched on both sides and say before them ‘אין לדיין אלא מה שעיניו רואה’ this is what I saw and this is what I heard, and this is what I investigated and searched extremely thoroughly and this was my conclusion, and I will be certain and secure to come out innocent in justice, because I did what I was obliged to do in order to express my opinion and save lives and even the life of one Jew. I was asked again, and if it still turns out you were wrong? I answered, then it will be on the shoulders of all those רבנים that I placed myself and my opinion before them, and did not bother to dispute my words and clarify my mistake, and what else should I have done, and with that I am again sure that I will be innocent. But what will those who are מתיר the injection answer on the יום הדין and יום התוכחה? We relied on biased doctors? On biased Askanim? We relied on the גדולים that the askanim and יועצי אחיתופל and the אויבי איש אנשי ביתו (Michah 7: 6) misled and lied to? So on the contrary, why should I wait for the יום הדין והתוכחה to discover my “mistake”, please I beg and plead of you, already reveal it to me now.
(The above was originally written by Harav Shaye Meshulam Feish Halevi Rottenberg shlita, Rozla Rebbe, Beitar Illit, and since some of it was written in a way that was specifically relevant to Eretz Yisroel, some changes were made with his permission in order to make it suitable for other countries as well. For comments and questions call: 0527111418 (from E.Y.) or 347-434-995 (from USA) or email:
Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Halevi Wosner
Regarding the Covid-19 vaccine and children. See his initial letter on the vaccine below.
Original signed letter
Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel
For more information see Why Covid-19 Vaccines Might Affect Fertility
Rabbi Eliyahu Brog
Lakewood, NJ Rabbis
Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg
Rabbi Aharon Roz
Former rabbi of Bikur Cholim hospital in Jerusalem. Explains that doctors are being silenced about their opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine – Hebrew with English subtitles. See his article further down.
Rabbi Uri Sofer
Another message from Rabbi Sofer – Warning pregnant women in particular, and everyone else, not to get vaccinated. Rabbi Sofer begins at 2:08 – after Galit Dorit’s introduction. A rather abbreviated English translation is below. Even if you don’t understand Hebrew, it may be worthwhile to listen just to hear his urgency, heartache, and tears.
I am Rabbi Uri Sofer from Bnei Brak. I have been dealing with the Corona issue for a year. I don’t know what to tell you. I want to cry.
I get tens of calls a day, people who want medicine for their loved ones who are seriously ill with Corona. I ask each one if they got the vaccine. They tell me yes.
One woman called that her sister is in critical condition at Linado Hospital. Pray for the healing of Mazal Tov Bat Sarah who is sedated, on a ventilator, in critical condition after receiving the vaccine.
Stories, one after the other.
Yesterday I received a call from a pregnant woman miscarried the fetus immediately after receiving the vaccine and the hospital warned her not to tell that the miscarriage was from the vaccine!!
I got another call about a pregnant woman who miscarried within 24-hours of receiving the vaccine for corona, and is in critical condition now.
I hear stories endlessly!! We are talking about thousands upon thousands of people.Sheba Hospital is asking to bring pregnant chareidi women to them, to vaccinate them and do laboratory experiments, in order to advertise to the world whether it is worth it for a pregnant woman to get vaccinated against Corona – does it or doesn’t it kill the fetus.
The Jews are the experiment rabbits for the world.
I told you this on the previous video but I see that people are Opaque, obscure.
They do not see a crying truth; we are the experimental rabbits of the wicked Gentiles in the world.
They are now telling pregnant women that they are in danger and need to get the vaccine. Pregnant women do not know that the greatest risk is for them to get this crazy vaccine!!
Believe, me. they are deceiving the great men of Israel and lying to them.
If you want proof, look at the newspaper Yated Ne’eman from the 5 of Shevat.
There is a Kol Koreh with the following 2 lies are written:1. It has been clearly proven that there is *no risk* in receiving this vaccine.
I want to cry. Thousands shout that the vaccine ruined their lives. One is paralyzed after receiving the vaccine, his legs don’t work because he got the vaccine.
There is a school of disabled girls. They all got the vaccine, one died. They said it was pneumonia. A 16 year old died from pneumonia within one day of getting the vaccine? …
Everything is from the vaccine!!How can you not see? How can you not hear?
2. It is also written that a person should worry more about not infecting others than getting infected himself!!
The biggest lie !!
Pfizer and the vaccine developers themselves say that whoever gets vaccinated has the potential to infect others more severely. They are confusing people.
A person who has been injected is an angel of sabotage to infect others!!If you want to know why this lockdown hasn’t stopped the tremendous transmission that we have, it is because there are 2 million people in the country who were vaccinated and they are infecting others. Others are getting infected from the vaccine. These are not mutations!! They are trying to confuse the mind!! They are covering up vaccine damage by calling it a mutation!
A person who has been vaccinated, you are harming others!!It is a complete lie to say that there is no risk in getting the vaccine!!
Pfizer and the FDA did not dream of it!! They themselves warn against vaccination. It will be a while, 5 to 9 months after receiving the vaccine that the damage will begin to show. It is already causing more than 10,000 people to be injured. There is full of information on the networks, in WhatsApps. People go through paralysis, allergies. An ophthalmologist says that already a number of people who received the vaccine who have come to him with retinal edema, that are having trouble seeing; they are at risk of blindness from the vaccine.
This is our vaccine that is written about and it has been clearly proven that there is no risk in getting it. A complete lie!!
It was reported this week that the EU had asked Pfizer for details on the vaccine because they had heard from doctors that it was toxic. Pfizer said it was a high-level carcinogen that was banned from drug use but was allowed with special vaccines in 2005, so therefore they included it.
They were asked about the substance in the vaccine that causes infertility in men and women, and they said: “True, this is a substance that needs testing. There are people who say this, but we have not tested it. It will be tested in 2023 !!!!!!!
Since this vaccine received a emergency use authorization; not a certificate of vaccination [license], they say they are allowed to use it even though it contains a substance that causes infertility.
Gentlemen, this is an official publication of the European Union.
‘Pfizer’ basically says that tests are needed.We need to take to the streets that this is a terrible Holocaust !!!!!!!!!
Surely everyone knows of an injured relative.
Tens of stories are coming to me.The vaccine is against the law!!
Rabbi Moshe Karp told me that one rabbi quotes the Kaf HaChaim that it is permissible to take a vaccine, but he omitted the most important line from the words of Maran, the owner of the Kaf HaChaim: that the condition of getting a vaccine is that no one in the world has ever been harmed!!! …
You have no idea how many people suffer from vaccines and how many lectures by professors from around the world are deleted from the internet. Why silence it?
Why commit a crime?
But the Jews always knew not to believe in a system of wicked and Gentiles. The Torah teaches us that Gentiles are suspected of murder. A medical establishment subordinate to the wicked must not be believed. There are billions of dollars poured into this project; turning us into lab mice. It is forbidden to listen to the Misrad. They want to dilute the world’s populations and dilute Jews. Listen to doctors around the world saying this …I can’t tell you the name of a very respected doctor who works in the emergency department who is not suspected of taking bribes. He got a directive from the Misrad Habriut to tell all people that there is no connection between the vaccine and whatever illness or injury they may have after they got the vaccine – if it’s paralysis, corona, … They were also told not to investigate deaths that occurred in homes after people received the vaccines. Not to ask any questions whatsoever, not to ask family members, not to fill out reports about the topic. Just send them straight to the chevra kaddishah.
Pregnant women are forbidden to vaccinate – this is a warning from several countries around the world.
I don’t know what it will look like in another nine months. They may want to give more vaccines for more mutations, without stop, even when each vaccine introduces tens of poisons into the body and causes more destruction in the body of the vaccinated. This is not just someone who is against all vaccines saying this. These are doctors who understand the current vaccine.
Recently, Frankincense went through tests in two different laboratories and was shown to destroy the corona virus.
Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Karp
Rabbi of the Southern Hill of Modiin Ilit (English excerpts follow Hebrew)
The following is an excerpt from a letter written on the second of Shevat (Erev Shabbos Parshas Vaera) by Hagaon Rav Moshe Mordechai Karp, shlita, a well -known mechaber seforim and Rav in Kiryat Sefer, who received an accumulated twenty five years of shimush under Harav S. Z. Aurebach, zt”l, and Harav Y. S. Elyashiv, zt”l:
Regarding the vaccines; many have expressed opposition to them, including doctors and experts. The vaccine was produced in confusion and haste, by parties who have many self-serving interests, as it is well-known. The vaccine producers themselves have publicized the hazards [involved], and it has only been approved for temporary use……However, a few weeks have already elapsed since people have taken the vaccines, and it has become known to us many horrific cases of previously healthy people who took the vaccine and were very harmed afterwards, and some even died, rachmana liztlan. We have read what the vaccine companies themselves warn, that there are many extremely serious side-effects that are liable to occur. Before the vaccinations began, we thought that they wrote this to protect themselves from legal claims etc. However we now clearly see, [even] in this short time period, that the damage is very great. And although the great majority of people were not harmed, and may it be Hashem’s will that they not be harmed, however the fact is that a great many were harmed from it. One may not comprehend from the directive of the Gedolim that was given before the vaccinations, how to act now following the vaccinations, [when we have seen] the great damage of the vaccinated, [or at the very least there is suspicion and a strong basis that the damage came on account of it]…
…We can thus see the outlook of Gedolei Yisroel regarding vaccines:
1) One must wait an extended period of time [about thirty years]
2) It must be tested by all countries worldwide
3) If it did not harm anyone in this time, then Gedolei Yisroel permitted one to take it. And although the issue then was the small-pox plague, when many were dying in the streets, and this would have been a great salvation, nevertheless, one may not carry out an act of damage to himself or others. And what is there to say; [today] not one of these conditions has been met!! For we have seen that in a short time span many have been exceedingly harmed. It is pashut that there is no heter [to take it]!! And certainly since even a minimal testing time has not elapsed, as it is known; and all countries have not permitted it; as some countries have not authorized it, and other countries in the world are waiting to see the outcome and damages from Eretz Yisroel.
And this that [some] say; the young should wait, and only the elderly should be vaccinated. Here we saw how totally uninformed [people are]. For specifically [regarding] the extremely elderly we have seen that they have been incredibly harmed in this matter, for they don’t possess the strength to handle it. And furthermore; we have heard of two old-age homes in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh, where there were practically no sick cases. [Yet] from the time that they vaccinated, the sick increased, and many sick were even transported to the hospital.
And certainly whoever possesses any intelligence, will not entertain the thought of taking these vaccines, but rather will abstain until a longer time passes, and the effects and outcomes are seen.
Grandson of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Changes his mind about the vaccine and no longer recommends it. He says it causes damage to the heart, has problems, and they are not sharing all the data.
Rabbi Avraham Rachamim Chaim Sofer
(To help print and distribute this flyer, please contact Rabbi Sofer at
Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Halevi Wosner
Head of Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin, Bnei Brak, Grandson of the Ba’al Shevet Halevi
Thursday evening, Parshat Vayigash, 10 Tevet 5781, translated from the Yiddish recording
Printed in Tzap Magazine (צאפ מגזין)
Hebrew followed by English:
Download English pdf here
Gedolei Yisrael – Leading Rabbis
(At the end explains that other rabbis are not listed for lack of space and some did not want to publicize their names for fear of threats.)
Knowedge of Torah
Gedolei Yisrael Against the Vaccines.
In light of the facts and trustworthy testimonies about the terrible physical and spiritual dangers from the corona vaccine! And already, hundreds of people were harmed by the vaccine and tens died. We are hereby publicizing the ” Knowledge of Torah” regarding the vaccines that are being given to the multitudes by the government.
You are forbidden from putting yourself in a position of danger.
Sit and do nothing is preferable.
Rabbi Dovid Meir Shmueli
Brother of the Kabbalist, Rav Binyhu Shmueli
חזון מרדכי -Website; ערוץ רשמי – YouTube Channel; 074-796-4728 – listen by phone
Rabbi Meiri Chananel
Website Nosach Teiman
This is a short clip from a longer shiur. In this clip he explains that those people who won’t listen to all the confused and confusing people, they are actually the ones that will save am Israel in the last generation. Because it’s Esav himself who is trying to harm us but is hiding in disguise, like they are trying to tell us that we need this dangerous vaccine and they are telling lies to rabbis…but in the end the head of Esav will fall.
Amshinover Rebbe
From the flyer – these vaccines have terrible concerns, and you must stay far away from them like you would from the point of an arrow.
Rabbi Moshe Z’ev Zarger
Rabbi and posek (rabbinical decisor) in the Eidah Chareidit.
Synopsis: After speaking with doctors – whether or not they are for or against the Covid-19 vaccine, they all agree that there are still serious questions of pikuach nefesh (life and death matters) regarding potential adverse events. In cases such as this, until we are totally certain that there is no possibility of harm, the Torah is very clear – it is preferable to sit and do nothing. Download typed pdf here
Brisker Rebbe – Rabbi Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik
From the flyer:
The deniers of G-d (leaders of the state of Israel) now state they have a cure, a vaccine, for the pandemic. We KNOW that when THEY say they have a cure we have to consider the possibility it’s purpose is to KILL us.
Rabbi Roz, former Chief Rabbi of the Bikur Cholim Hospital
Letter warning against taking the Covid-19 vaccine (Article in English below)
Former Rabbi of Jerusalem hospital writes against COVID vaccine
Fmr. Rabbi of Bikur Cholim: ‘It’s my obligation to publicize issue, prevent hardship’. Hospital: Letter does not represent our hospital.Mordechai Sones , Dec 24 , 2020
Israel National News
Rabbi Aharon Ros, who was in the past the Rabbi of the Bikur Cholim Hospital in Jerusalem, issued a letter counseling circumspection regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that it has come to his knowledge that physicians are pressured not to reveal what is known to them regarding its possible dangers.
Rabbi Ros wrote: “To the many who have asked whether to take an influenza vaccine, as the doctors and others apply great pressure to take vaccines, while on the other hand they do not publicize difficult cases that occurred after administering the flu vaccine, that there are those who reached the very gates of death from the vaccines, and doctors and their advisors are prevented from telling what is known to them to the wider public, but rather are required to speak against their conscience, or at the minimum to maintain silence and not express an opinion at all.
“In the past, when the subject was the Mexican flu, and physicians who were not beholden to the Health Ministry publicized their unfavorable opinion regarding the vaccine, and listed many details supporting this, and added that the aim of the vaccine was world depopulation. And in the subsequent years up until now, components from this vaccine have been added to the influenza vaccine available today. Many senior physicians, their students, and others have refrained from taking that vaccine.
“In the past I have been contacted by senior officials, asking why I express my opinion publicly, as it causes them damage, and they weren’t embarrassed by the fact that they themselves refrained from receiving the vaccine.
“Therefore, I see it as my obligation to publicize this issue, to prevent hardship and injury from our brethren”.
Regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, Rabbi Ros wrote: “While the nature of coronavirus disease is still unknown, where it came from, who it injures and who it does not injure, and many kept all the guidelines and were badly hurt, while many who did not observe the guidelines were not harmed at all, and they are far from being able to think they understand this vaccine, and many doctors in Israel and abroad publicly opposed these vaccines, much more than all of the vaccines that have come out until now, and many misgivings have been written about it, especially since these vaccines have not been tested with all of the trials necessary for such vaccines, and some physicians have even written that this violates vaccine procedures and shouldn’t be administered at all.
“I will close by saying that as long as their benefit has not been established with certainty, and as long as the injuries that may be caused by them have not been absolutely ruled out, and we get answers from the doctors, one should distance oneself and refrain from taking them.”
The Bikur Cholim and Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center responded to Rabbi Ros’ letter: “The individual behind the letter does not represent our hospitals,” they stated. “His use of the hospital logo and official name doesn’t mean we approved of his message.”
“The Sha’arei Tzedek and Bikur Cholim Medical Centers are behind the vaccine,” they added, “and call on the public to get vaccinated in favor in order to rid society of the disease. Any publication making use of hospital names or logos isn’t authorized and we condemn this behavior.”
Read original report at Israel National News here.
A rabbi questions the Va’ad Harabonim of Baltimore
The rabbi who wrote the following letter – verified by Rodef Shalom 613 – is responding with a request for clarification of the letter (following) by the Baltimore Va’ad encouraging everyone to vaccinate against Covid-19.
Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak
On Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s reported psak to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Through unedited video, Rav Yitzchak shows how Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s grandson, Yanky Kanievsky, manipulated the situation so that Rav Chaim appears to have approved taking the Covid-19 vaccine.
Please note that the article posted at about minute 11:53 of Rabbi Yitzchak’s video says that individuals were paralyzed from the vaccine. While it is true that according to the CDC 3,150 individuals had a “Health Impact” where they were not able to perform normal daily activities, go to work, and needed the assistance of a doctor or other healthcare professional, the interpretation that they were paralyzed is in error. Please see page 6 of the CDC report here.
Rabbi Yuval HaCohen Ashurov
Rabbi Ashurov explains exactly about vaccines and how the new mRNA vaccines work. Rabbi Ashurov has degree in physiotherapy from the University of Tel Aviv, studied acupuncture in Boston, and has been involved in natural healing for many years. Learn more about Rav Ashurov at his website Besod Hadevarim. Hebrew with English subtitles.
Sassover Rebbe
Short clip with Hebrew subtitles from the Sassover Rebbe’s Yiddish language video below.
Chareidi rabbis
Satmar, Breslov, Mir, Eidah Chareidis, and other rabbis issued this warning that it is a serious prohibition to get the vaccine against corona.
Download pdf here
Here the above letter is being read aloud
Sassover Rebbe
Slams COVID Vaccine, Calls Doctors “Murderers” (Yiddish) See article in English below.
Sassover Rebbe cites Rabbi Elyashiv, warns of unproven safety of COVID vaccine
“Rabbi Elyashiv said of another drug, ‘How can we take responsibility for something that’s only been around for a year or two?'”Arutz Sheva Staff , Dec 20 , 2020
Israel National News
In an address to his chassidim during Hanukkah at the end of last week, reported on Behadrey Haredim, the Sassover Rebbe of Ganei Tikva discussed the coronavirus vaccination campaign that has just begun in Israel, and expressed his concern that the safety of the vaccine has yet to be established.
The Rebbe also mentioned special herbal drops that he described as being especially potent against the coronavirus that are apparently banned in Israel. “I merited to be a partner in the healing of tens of thousands of people when I obtained these drops for them,” he related, “both here and in the United States. I got them to people who were on the verge of taking the crazy step of going to hospital – when it was already known that people who went, never came back – and I begged them to stay at home and take these drops, and they recovered.”
Returning to the topic of the vaccine, the Rebbe said, “Now the doctors want us to use this vaccine. Maybe it’s a good vaccine – I don’t know. But who does know? And when will they know? After the damage is already done? They’re already warning people with allergies not to be vaccinated.”
The Rebbe also mentioned the fact that several haredi social activists have been making the rounds of haredi rabbinic leaders and obtaining their signatures in favor of vaccination. “I don’t want to talk about the activists – after all, they have their own reasons for doing things, and they do lots of good things too. But I will address regular people, and to you, I say that you should take very good care of your health and stay away from this vaccine.”
He also related how, around forty years ago, he had the privilege of discussing a certain medical issue with Rabbi Elyashiv ztz”l, the Torah leader of the generation whose knowledge of medical, technological, and scientific issues that he dealt with was undisputed. “I sat with Rabbi Elyashiv for two hours while we debated a certain drug that was then relatively new on the market. It had been in circulation for a year or two at the time, in many countries, and doctors were promoting it. I remember how Rabbi Elyashiv said, ‘How can we take responsibility for a drug that has only been around for a few years?’”
Incidentally, Rabbi Elyashiv’s position on most childhood vaccinations was that since they were accepted medical practice, parents should see that their children were vaccinated – however, from this anecdote, it would appear that he believed that “medical practice” does not become immediately “accepted” simply because doctors make a decision, but rather that the safety and efficacy of a particular mode of treatment has to be independently established as well.
The Rebbe concluded his speech with words of blessing for all Jews to merit health and long life with spiritual fulfilment.
Read the original article on Israel National News here.
Rabbi Yitzchok David Smith
Rabbi Smith is a rabbi and lawyer from Passaic Park, NJ. He has education in virology and biology.
Rav Sofer from Bnei Brak
warns against the Covid-19 vaccine. He discusses, among other things, the media and medical corruption. They have already proved that that they are not honest and one is not allowed to rely on them.
Another impassioned plea from Rabbi Sofer not to vaccinate. Trust in Hashem and stop being afraid. For new documents and information from doctors outside of Israel in Hebrew, English, and other languages. Email Rabbi Sofer:
Rav Yoav Alon
Rav Alon is the father of the Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir Brachtfeld. He is formerly a scientist. He is warning against the vaccines and addresses Rabbi Firer and others who have advised to take it.
Rav Alon’s letter can be read in Hebrew (Google translate for your language) here.
Among many related topics, he explains the problem with Rabbi Firer’s recommendation to vaccinate. Rabbi Firer runs Ezra l’Marphe, a medical aid society where he advises people dealing with medical issues in Israel.
So we did not get answers to all these problems, and I know personally that Rabbi Firer was invited to the same conference that took place last Saturday night in Bnei Brak, where doctors from the ‘other side’ appeared. There were about seven doctors there who expressed their position on the issue of vaccines. There were those who explained why there is no need for a vaccine, when according to one of them the damage to the corona is minor in relation to its inflating by the authorities, and also because in many places herd immunity has already been established, certainly in the ultra-Orthodox public. One by one there, not only is it not clear that it will not help but it is quite clear that there is a greater chance that it will even be harmful.
In light of all these points, I allow myself to raise the possibility that it is unpleasant to say that Rabbi Firer wrote this letter out of severe pressure. I talked about two hours ago with one of Israel’s gedolim and he told me: It’s not wise. You’re sure what Firer says is not true, so you think he was pressured, but I think what he says is true. I told him – the rabbi is one hundred percent right, and that’s exactly the point: I’m sure what he’s saying is not true, in light of what we have said, so I think my concern is a matter that needs to be examined.
Another thing to keep in mind is that while Firer is a great expert in medicine, in our case, we need mostly a great expert in the social sciences, because there are mafias that control these matters and it cannot be ignored. An example of this is the fact that in Kenya tetanus vaccines were given in which the substance HCG was injected which caused infertility in about a million women. This was done by Bill Gates, who until today has connections with all the vaccine companies, including the corona. So in order to examine something like this it will not help to be just a medical expert, there needs to be an expert here who knows how to tell if a crime has been committed here or not. Check if Pfizer and Moderna are criminals or if Bill Gates has been planning for years to depopulate the world and the like. This requires expertise in criminal issues. It seems to me that Rabbi Firer is not versed in these matters.
He also responded to the Rosh Yeshiva from Hevron:
I also wanted to refer to the letter from the Rosh Yeshiva of Hevron who wrote that after sitting with the doctor of one of the health funds in Jerusalem who is a great expert in this field and explained to him the whole process of vaccination “there is no danger at all, so it is a good gift from heaven.” Is the rabbi sure in what he said that there is no danger here at all? After all, it is the opposite of the truth. Every child knows that they have not checked at all what is going to happen to the vaccinated for another two years and there is no such possibility. I do not understand how a Rosh Yeshiva can tell his students to go and get vaccinated because there is no risk at all is beyond my understanding.
Rabbis of the Bnai Brak Beit Hora’ah l’Inyanei Refuah
Warning against the vaccine as long as benefits haven’t been ascertained and as long as they haven’t absolutely removed any possibility of adverse events.
Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak
Responds point by point to Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu who advocated getting the vaccine.
Watch the video here
Listen here:
רבי מנחם אדרי הי”ו, ראש ישיבת בן איש חי ומדרשיה לבנות
בירושלים תובב”א. מוהל מוסמך, מלמד ומזכה את הרבים בכל הארץ!
Head of Yeshiva Ben Ish Chai and the Seminary for Girls in Jerusalem and a certified mohel. Rav Edri’s WhatsApp chat: 058-703-3705.
Rabbi Edri begins by saying that it is forbidden to take this vaccine; do not take this poison, do not allow this poison of death to enter your body. It is coming from Amalek and it is forbidden to take the vaccine. Regarding Rav Firer (who has said to get vaccinated) and Rav Kanievsky (who is reported to have said to get vaccinated) Rabbi Edri says “they confused them. They deceived the sages of Israel. And I know this from the inside… but someone who takes this vaccine, I bear witness about him from heaven and earth, with both my hands on a Sefer Torah, that he will curse the day that he got the vaccine.”
Unfortunately, YouTube removed the video.
Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky
Clarifies his stance on whether or not people should get the vaccine. Translation below.
I am writing to inform that I have never given an halachic decision concerning the new vaccine for the corona virus. I am not saying anything general, not to take it or to take it. Rather each person should consult his doctor and should do what is necessary for himself.
Rav Moshe Shternbuch
Head of the Eidah Chareidit Bet Din discusses the appropriate response of G-d fearing people to Covid-19 and the vaccine. From Kikar Shabbat. English translation follows.
צפו: דעת ראב”ד ‘העדה’ על נטילת חיסון לקורונה
ראב”ד ‘העדה חרדית’, הפוסק הגר”מ שטרנבוך, השתתף באירוע של חסידות תולדות אהרון ובין יתר דבריו, הרחיב על הקורונה ועל האם יש חובה להתחסן נגד הנגיף • צפו (חרדים)
חנני ברייטקופף|י”ד בטבת תשפא 29.12.20
במעמד סיום סדר מועד שנערך על ידי קהילת תולדות אהרן בראשות האדמו”ר מתולדות אהרן, השתתף ראב”ד העדה החרדית, הגר”מ שטרנבוך ונשא את המשא המרכזי כאשר בין היתר הוא התייחס לנושא החיסונים.
“יש מגיפה בכל העולם”, אמר הגר”מ, “רבים חללים הפילה. והרבנים והאדמו”רים יושבים ודנים בשבועות האחרונים אם יש חיוב לקחת את החיסון או לא. אמנם לצערינו התרגלנו לתלות הכל בטבע, חושבים שהמחלה באה בדרך הטבע והיא תסתלק רק בדרך הטבע על ידי החיסונים, אבל שוכחים שמלבד חובת ההשתדלות צריכים בעיקר לפנות בתפילה להקב”ה, שהרי הקב”ה הוא בעל המגיפה, וצריכים להתפלל אליו שהוא יסיר את המגיפה.
“צריכים אנו לדעת שהמגיפה באה מהקב”ה ולא ממשהו אחר, והישועה תבוא כי זהו רצון הבורא, והבורא עולם ממתין שאנחנו נשוב בתשובה ונבין שהוא הבעל הבית של כל הבריאה. אין טבע בעולם, הקב”ה מנהיג את העולם מתחילתו ועד סופו, והקב”ה בצער גדול שבזמן כזה שיש צער, לא מדברים כלל על הקב”ה”.
עוד הוסיף הגר”מ להסביר: “בשנים קודמות כאשר יהודי אחד נפטר, כל המדינה היו רועשים בתפילה לקב”ה. אני זוכר בתחילת המלחמה, כאשר עוד לא היה כ”כ נורא, ולא ידעו שהולכים להרוג יהודים, כולם בכו ובכו ללא שיעור בתפילות. והיום שכבר מתו יהודים בכל העולם מהמחלה, ואין איתנו יודע עד מה אם יהיה חלילה יותר גרוע, הרי היו צריכים לשמוע תפילות ותחנונים, וכל הרבנים והאדמו”רים צריכים לפעול שכולם יקראו לקב”ה בתפילה.
“בעוונותינו הרבים אנחנו יושבים בשקט, ולא מדברים על תפילה עד שאפילו אבינו מלכנו לא אומרים, רק יושבים ודנים האם לקחת את החיסון או לא”ולכן אמר הראב”ד כי “צריכים אנו להכיר בכך שהקב”ה מנהיג העולם ואין טבע ומקרה בעולם כלל, תחילת המגיפה היה מהקב”ה, וסוף המגיפה יהיה גם מהקב”ה, ובזכות שיהודים יושבים ולומדים תורה ומקבלים על עצמם להמשיך ללמוד תורה, נזכה לראות ישועת ה’ בקרוב”.
בהמשך דבריו הרחיב הגר”מ על מעלת קביעת עיתים לתורה, וביקש מכל בני הקהילה להמשיך לשקוד על תקנתו של הרבי מתולדות אהרן ללמוד מידי יום ביומו “עמוד היומי” על סדר הש”ס.
ל’כיכר השבת’ נודע כי הראב”ד אמנם לא חתם על קריאה להתחסן אך מורה בעל פה לשואלים אותו להתייעץ בנושא עם הרופאים.
באורח נדיר, האדמו”ר מתולדות אהרן אשר מתחילת המגיפה נמנע מללחוץ ידיים בכדי להימנע מהידבקות בקורונה, רקד יד ביד עם הראב”ד הגר”מ שטרנבוך, אשר ישב על כסאו ורקד עם הרבי.
Read the article on Kikar Shabbat here
The rabbi of the Haredi conference, Rabbi Sternbuch, ruled in an event of the Toldot Aharon Chassidut and, among other things, expanded on corona and whether it is obligatory to get vaccinated against the virus.
Kikar Shabbat
Chanani Breitkopf, 12/29/20
At the conclusion of a siyum on Seder Moed held by the Toldot Aharon community led by the Rebbe of Toldot Aharon, the Rabbi of the Haredi community, the Gaon Rav Moshe Shternbuch, participated and carried the main burden when, among other things, he addressed the issue of vaccines.
“There is an epidemic all over the world,” said Rav Shternbuch, “many casualties have fallen. And the rabbis and rebbes have been judging in recent weeks whether there is an obligation to take the vaccine or not. Unfortunately, to our sorrow, we have become accustomed to pinning everything on nature, thinking that the illness comes by was of nature and it will disappear only by way of nature with vaccines, but they forget that besides the obligation to make an effort, we particularly have to turn to G-d in prayer. After all, God is the owner of the plague, and we should pray to him that he will remove the plague.
“We need to know that the plague comes from G-d and not from something else, and salvation will come because it is the will of the Creator, and the Creator of the world is waiting for us to repent and understand that He is the master of all creation. There is no nature in the world; God leads the world from beginning to end, and God is in great sorrow at such a time when there is sorrow we do not speak at all about God.
The Rav continued to explain: “In previous years, when one Jew died, the whole country was noisy in prayer to God. I remember at the beginning of the war, when it was not so terrible, and they did not know that Jews were going to be killed, everyone cried and cried without measure in prayers. . And today, when Jews all over the world have already died from the disease, and we do not know how much worse it will be, God forbid, they should have heard prayers and supplications, and all the rabbis and rebbes should work so that everyone will call on G-d in prayer.
“In our many iniquities we sit quietly, and do not talk about prayer until even Aveinu Malkeinu they do not say, just sit and discuss whether to take the vaccine or not.”
Therefore the Rabbi said that “we should recognize in this that G-d is the leader of the world and there is no nature and happenstance in the world at all – the beginning of the plague was from G-d, and the end of the plague will also be from G-d, and in the merti of Jews sitting and studying Torah and accepting upon themselves to continue studying, we will merti to see G-d’s salvation soon. ”
Later in his remarks, the Rav expanded on the virtue of setting times for the Torah, and asked all members of the congregation to continue to observe the Rebbe’s regulation of Toldot Aharon to study daily the “Daily Page” of the Shas.
Kikar Hashabat was informed that although the Rabbi did not sign a call to get vaccinated, he orally instructs those who ask him to consult with the doctors on the subject.
Rarely, the Rebbe of Toldot Aharon who from the beginning of the plague refrained from shaking hands in order to avoid contracting corona, danced hand in hand with Rabbi Rabbi Shternbuch, who sat on his chair and danced with the Rebbe.
Read the article in the original Hebrew here
The Lubavitcha Rebbe, Z”L
What to do when there’s a new disease. Hebrew with English subtitles
Injections and the period before Mashiach
The following was written by the Kabbalist HaRav Yoram Abergel zt”l (1957-2015) who wrote a commentary on the Tanya called “B’Tzur Yarum” (published ~2005). He wrote (English following):
“Everything has a tikkun [correction/fixing, often spiritual], the only question is whether it is the correct tikkun. Sometimes we want to save a sick person, and for this purpose he is given an injection, but it becomes clear later the injection complicated things, they did not have divine providence, the medicine not only did not help it made things worse – this is what happens when G-d forbid one receives an incorrect tikkun. One of the threatening dangers that face the Nation of Israel before the coming of moshiach is that the nation will be led by leaders that are not part of the holiness [MeHaKedusha] at all, but whoever’s eyes are not covered, he will never get confused, he will be able to tell who is part of the holiness and who is not. Indeed, truth will be missing and will become like so many flocks [Sanhedrin 97a, on the time of moshiach], however whoever is strongly attached to holiness will not perish forever. For example Ruth and Arpa …”
Listen to a translation here