The following clip is part of a 9 hour deposition. Renowned vaccinologist, Stanley Plotkin, was deposed by Aaron Siri, the lawyer for a divorced parent who went to court against her ex-husband on the matter of vaccinating their children. As a result of the deposition, Plotkin did not testify. YouTube transcript (edited) below.
Siri (S): Do any vaccines on the childhood schedule contain monkey kidney cells?
Plotkin (P): Well, the polio vaccine does.
(S): Are you aware of any simian monkey viruses, meaning viruses that come from primates, that contaminated polio vaccines and infected individuals receiving the polio vaccine?
(P): Yes, SV40.
(S): And what does SV40 stand for?
(P): Simian Virus 40.
(S): And what was it? The 40th simian virus found? Is that why it’s called?
(P): Yes.
(S): Are you aware of any virus from any animal other than simian or bovine that is in any vaccine?
(P): Yes, there’s a pig virus present in one of the rotavirus vaccines, Circovirus.
(S): Do any of the vaccines in the childhood vaccine schedule contain blood serum from calves or other bovines?
(P): Calf serum is removed before the vaccine is used because you don’t want to sensitize the vaccinee to cows
(S): What is this?
(P): Uh, Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary.
(S): Can you go to Kinrix on the first page?
(P): Yes
(S): DTaP IPV. Do you see in the third line down it says calf serum? Do any vaccines on the childhood schedule contain embryonic guinea pig cell cultures?
(P): Varicella vaccine was passaged in guinea pig cells
(S): Do you know of any vaccines contain cow’s milk in it, derived from it?
(P): Oh, well it could be, uh, casein for example could be.
(S): If there was casein in the vaccine the child could become sensitized to that, correct?
(P): Well, I’m not sure about that.
(S): So you’re not sure any more about that? Do any vaccines contain egg protein?
(P): Uh, yes influenza.
(S): Do any vaccines contain gelatin from pigs?
(P): Uh, yes.
(S): Do any vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule contain human albumin?
(P): Oh yes.
(S): What is human albumin?
(P): Human album is part of human serum. It’s part of the blood that is liquid.
(S): None of it remains in the final product.
(P): I don’t believe so though.
(S): Because that could be problematic right?
(P): Well it could be I mean if, uh, if the individual is not healthy.
(S): Or if maybe some of the human blood components bind to some of the aluminum and develop antibodies, self-antibodies, correct
(P): If they develop antibodies against a serum component that would not be good.
(S): Do any vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule contain MRC5 human diploid cells?
(P): Yes. Rubella, Varicella, Hepatitis A.
(S): What are MRC5 cells?
(P): They are human fibroblast cell strain. They were created by taking fetal tissue from a particular fetus that was aborted by maternal choice and the cells, the so-called fibroblast cells, were cultivated.
(S): Do any vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule contain WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts?
(P): Well they used to but I don’t think anything is made in those cells anymore.
(S): If you could turn to page 3 for MMR and MMRV. Do you see that within the ingredient list that lists wi-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts?
(P): Yes. I do see that.
(S): Uh, isn’t it true that human DNA in vaccines is typically purposely fragmented?
(P): Yes, and I would say mostly for theoretical reasons, doesn’t want to put DNA into, intact DNA, into vaccines
(S): Are you familiar with insertional mutagenesis?
(P): Yes.
(S): Do you have any study to show that injecting millions of pieces of human DNA into babies and children is safe?
(P): The only studies are all the safety studies that have been done on vaccines.
(S): Wasn’t the purpose of this study to help develop a human cell line or to support the use of human cell lines in the creation of vaccines?
(P): The idea was to study the cell strains from fetuses to determine whether or not they could be used to make vaccines.
(S): This study involved 74 fetuses.
(P): Yeah. 76.
(S): 76. And these fetuses were all three months or older when aborted correct?
(P): Yes.
(S): What organs did you harvest from these fetuses?
(P): Well, I didn’t personally harvest any, but a whole range of tissues were harvested by co-workers.
(S): Okay, and these pieces were then cut up into little pieces, right?
(P): Yes.
(S): And they were cultured?
(P): Yes.
(S): Okay. Some of the pieces of the fetuses were pituitary gland that were that were chopped up into pieces okay included the lung of the fetuses?
(P): Yes.
(S): Okay. Included skin?
(P): Yes.
(S): Kidney?
(P): Yes.
(S): Spleen?
(P): Yes.
(S): Heart?
(P): Yes.
(S): And tongue?
(P): Uh, I don’t recall, but probably yes.
(S): Are you aware that the one of the objections of vaccination by the plaintiff in this case is the inclusion of aborted fetal tissue in the development of vaccines and the fact that it’s actually part of the ingredients of vaccines?
(P): Yeah, I’m aware of those objections. The Catholic church has actually issued a document on that which says that individuals who need the vaccine should receive the vaccines regardless of the fact and that, uh, that I think it implies that I am the individual who will go to hell because of the use of aborted tissues, which I am glad to do.
(S): Do you know if the mother is Catholic?
(P): I have no idea.
(S): Okay.
(P): Um, so she should consultant her priest.
(S): Do you believe that someone can have a valid religious objection to refusing a vaccine?
(P): No.
(S): Do you take issue with religious beliefs?
(P): Yes.
(S): Uh, you’ve said that, quote: “vaccination is always under attack by religious zealots who believe that the will of G-d includes death and disease”.
(P): Yes.
(S): You stand by that statement?
(P): I absolutely do.
(S): Okay. Are you an atheist?
(P): Yes.
(S): Do you accept that some people hold religious beliefs that are inherently unprovable?
(P): Yes, I’m sure they do.
(S): When you were a child what vaccines did you receive?
(P): Diphtheria. Well, in childhood i think it was probably only diphtheria.
For the entire vaccine ingredient safety segment watch here
Photo of Stanley Plotkin By Adplotkin98 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=23760493