From the documentary on HPV vaccines entitled, “The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed.” https://www.sott.net/article/305663-SOTT-Exclusive-The-origins-of-the-HPV-vaccine-A-case-of-corruption-in-science
Serious Injury in Females and Males
Menstrual Cycle Evaluation and Women’s Health: An Overlooked Biomarker for Vaccine Injury
Nexus Magazine
February -March 2020
Leslie Carol Botha
“When hormone messaging is skewed, due to toxins crossing the blood–brain barrier or toxic deposits on the cell receptor sites, preventing hormonal messages from getting through to the cell, there is a breakdown in communication and functioning that will lead to alterations in our mental, emotional and physical health. During puberty, the endocrine system is preparing itself for the reproductive cycle. It is a transitionary time, and like any other transition, fragile in nature. If skewed, the timing of the mechanisms of action may be thrown off and the outcome forever changed.
“In one of my first conversations with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the introduction of Gardasil as a vaccine to be administered at puberty, I let them know that I was disappointed at their approval of this vaccine for 9 to 26-year-old girls during the most fragile time of their life, menarche, the time of first menstruation.
“Menstruation, as mentioned above is the final stage in an average month-long process. I am also going to be using a term, “paramenstruum”, which is the combination of the premenstrual and menstrual phases of the cycle.
“If conception does not take place after ovulation and our body prepares for menstruation and the release of the uterine lining, hormone levels fall, along with immunity, which becomes more compromised. In fact, the entire neuro–immune–endocrine system is involved.
“Many years back, I became aware of a study on the timing of breast cancer surgery and perimenopausal women. The study was based on the work and research of Dr William Hrushesky, who wrote some compelling pieces about the paramenstruum and chronic illness in the 1990s. Basically, the study outcomes showed that if a woman had surgery during a window of time on either side of ovulation she would experience a better outcome than surgery scheduled during the paramenstruum. Incidents due to surgery during the paramenstruum include infections, side effects and even death.
“Why the dramatic difference? Researcher William J.M.
Hrushesky, MD, senior oncologist at the Albany VA Medical Center in Albany, NY,
speculates that a woman’s immune defenses are likely to vary with her menstrual
cycle and may become most potent with ovulation. So her ability to fight
disease may be significantly higher at that point of her cycle.”
“A little known fact with huge implications: When immunity drops during the paramenstruum, alcohol and drugs reactions will affect us much more than in the pre- ovulatory phase of the cycle when hormones are rising.
“… my primary focus for this book is to help mothers and daughters become aware of the vital role that menstruation and immunity plays when women are being administered drugs and vaccines or opting for surgery. If the vaccine is going to be mandated for school entry, one of the choices you have as a parent or student is to not schedule vaccination during the paramenstruum.
“Not only did the required use of birth control during the safety trials of Gardasil mask and hinder ovarian function and therefore invalidated the safety data, hormonal contraceptives also masked hormonal fluctuations, including the decrease in hormone levels and immunity prior to menstruation.
“In other words, there was “callous disregard” for vaccinating during a phase of the menstrual cycle when there may be a potential risk for more severe adverse reactions.
“There were no studies conducted on vaccination at puberty (also masked by hormonal birth control) and no studies on vaccination during the paramenstruum.
“While it may be impossible to collect data after the effect, it is my humble opinion that every doctor’s responsibility is to not only record the “first day of the last menstrual cycle” in a young woman’s medical record, but it is also their duty to advise against vaccination during the paramenstruum.
“In addition, there are now ongoing studies or reports on health outcomes of girls who were on hormonal contraception during vaccination, other than reports of premature menopause. What other health problems are they experiencing? Early onset of osteoporosis? Depression, anxiety and/or suicidal ideation due to infertility? Possible divorce due to their inability to have children? Are rates of gynaecological cancers (which are on the rise) being recorded in these young women? What are the long-term health effects of being thrown into menopause in their twenties and thirties?
“I believe one of the reasons why girls who are not on birth control and who experience repeated post- vaccination adverse injuries is due to their fluctuating hormones. Their body is constantly trying to achieve homeostasis, and find balance post-vaccine injury. Their body seeks to build immunity and defenses during the preovulatory phase, when hormone levels are the highest, only to come crashing down during the paramenstruum phase when hormone levels decrease and immunity becomes compromised.”
When The FDA Wants To Impose Gardasil To Women And Men Aged 27 Through 45 Years, It Invents A Magic Rate Via A New Criterion
Dr. Nicole Delépine

“Medicine becomes propaganda: 88% efficiency: the magic and misleading rate manufactured and used by the FDA to falsify communication on Gardasil [1] and extend its indications.
“With the cancer registries, we have indisputable statistical data covering all the populations of four countries followed 7 to 9 years (from 2007 to 2016). These data tell a completely different story from the golden legend of the laboratories spread by the FDA. In all the countries that have largely vaccinated their young girls, the incidence of invasive cancers has increased sharply (sometimes exceeding 100%) in the vaccinated age groups [15] [16] that would justify that the responsible agencies impose a moratorium of at least several years and that independent studies be conducted to understand the phenomenon.”
Japan Leading The World In Exposing Fraud with Gardasil HPV Vaccine
…injuries and death
Vera Sharav
November 29, 2019
“In Japan, young women and girls suffering from severe chronic generalized pain following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil® or GSK’s Cervarix®, have organized and are speaking out.
“The issues are being debated at public hearings, at which scientific presentations have been made by independent medical experts who validated the women’s suffering with documented evidence of the severe nature of the pain related to the HPV vaccine.”
Cervarix vaccine issues trigger health notice
Japan Times
June 15, 2013
“The health ministry has issued a nationwide notice that cervical cancer vaccinations should no longer be recommended for girls aged 12 to 16 because several adverse reactions to the medicines have been reported.
‘“It is necessary to gather information immediately to accurately grasp how often (the side effects) are occurring,” said Mariko Momoi, who chairs the panel at the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry that decided to suspend the recommendation. Momoi is vice president of the International University of Health and Welfare.
“The two vaccines sold in Japan are Cervarix, made by GlaxoSmithKlein PLC of Britain, and Gardasil, made by Merck Sharp & Dohme, known as Merck & Co. in the United States.
“Mika Matsufuji, 46, who represents an association of cervical cancer vaccination victims’ parents, said the health panel’s decision was a “big step forward.” Her daughter, who was vaccinated with Cervarix in 2011, lost the ability to walk and is now in a wheelchair, she said.”
May 8, 2018
- Christina Tarsell was given the Gardasil vaccine when she was 21 years old
- Days after the vaccine, Christina died
- Her cause of death was determined “unknow”, but expert immunologists determined that her death was from a heart arrhythmia induced by an autoimmune reaction to the HPV vaccine
“Eight years later, the federal vaccine court finally ADMITTED her death was due to the HPV vaccine.”
The HPV Vaccination can cause very serious Side Effects!
November 9, 2019
“He also had two severe relapses, which forced him both times to rest again for several days. Once I had him even registered for a low level tournament, because he again begged me that he wanted to compete. We had to cancel it.
“The pain was also not going away and mostly his shoulder was hurting, sometimes his wrists, sometimes some muscles, even his lungs, but the pain was never predictable.
“One day my wife looked into the calendar and saw an appointment coming up: The third HPV vaccination!
“I said “Wait a minute!”, and yes, we found out that everything that happened to our son was aligned to the first and second HPV vaccination!!!
“I tried to google side effects and did not find many in the US. Just a few weak hints on side effects on a governmental web site.
“Then I found a post of a guy who was working for the German Athletic Sports Association. He was claiming that 15 of their athletes got the HPV vaccination and all of them had similar symptoms as Quentin. All of them had severe fatigue symptoms, all of them had a lot of pain and all of them had a serious decline in their performance.
“Then I googled more and more, and found so many stories about similar symptoms, even deaths caused by cardiac arrest after the HPV vaccination. Remember, Quentin’s heart rate was going up dramatically!”
Colton Berrett Dies After Being Unable To Cope With His Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injuries
January 8, 2018
“A number of vaccines within the past few years have come under intense scrutiny, and rightfully so. When you hear somebody say, “the science is clear”, it’s actually not. This is evident by the fact that hundreds of studies have been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals raising multiple causes for concern when it comes to vaccines, like the role of vaccine ingredients and where and how they disseminate throughout the body, for example. “
“Support Group was set up by parents of Irish teenage girls who have developed serious health problems after entering secondary school. These parents are certain that the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) is the cause of their daughters’ otherwise unexplained illness.
The primary goal of the parents in the group is to get help
for their daughters who, like many girls around the world, have experienced
“Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma”
(R.E.G.R.E.T). Many are not receiving effective medical treatment and cannot
attend school regularly due to the debilitating health conditions they still
suffer from.
“Just as important to these parents is to raise awareness of the safety issues surrounding the HPV vaccine so that other parents can be in a position to make a truly informed decision on this issue. The group feels that the information provided by the HSE is incomplete and biased, downplaying the safety issues while exaggerating its effectiveness.”
The Current Status of Worldwide Injuries from the HPV Vaccine
Anna Cannon of REGRET speaking at international symposium on “The Current Status of Worldwide Injuries from the HPV Vaccine” held in Tokyo
March 24, 2018
with Medwatcher Japan.
The HighWire with Del Bigtree
January 24, 2020
“Listen to this W.H.O. Director’s explanation for why thousands are falling ill after Gardasil vaccination. Watch the original video here https://www.who.int/news-room/events/… starting at time code 1:36:50 on Tuesday afternoon second part.”
Related Articles:
Validity of the HPV Vaccine
HPV Vaccine: Safety Research/Clinical Trials
HPV Vaccine and Ovarian Failure
How Your Doctor Has Been Instructed to Recommend the HPV Vaccine
How Profitable is the HPV Vaccine?