Rav Moshe Shaul Klein, Rav of the Ohr Hachaim neighborhood in Bnei Brak, treatise on the halakhic aspects of prayer and study in light of Corona.
הגאן רבי משה שאול קליין, רב שכונת אור החיים בבני ברק, מגדולי תלמידיו של מרן הגר”ש ואזנר זצ”ל, ומגדולי פוסקי ההלכה בדורנו, פרסם מאמר הלכתי מקיף שנחשף לראשונה ב’קו הסקופים’, בו הוא מתייחס להיבטים ההלכתיים של החיים היהודיים בעידן הנגיף.
Corona: Doubt of Danger When Praying and Studying, Elul 5780 pdf קורונה: ספק סכנה בענין תפילה ולימוד – אלול תש”פ
A few select texts (translation of underlined text below):
Underlined text in italics:
Image 1 (far right) from text “… we see that in the corona epidemic those that got sick from it in Israel were at least 120,000 people and, of them, about 800 people died, and most of them were already sick so that any affliction can damage their health and the rest recuperated completely and there is a small number who remained weak, certainly the damage is not prevalent and in any case there is an obligation to open the shuls and the batei medrash and the schools, yeshivas, and kolllels …”
Image 2 (second from right) from text “… it appears that this is not the way of the Torah
“… and generally, young ones even if they get sick, in any case, they get it in a very easy manner …”
Image 3 (2nd from left) from text “… we see that the elderly who’ve stopped their daily routines and they separated them from the family, greatly deteriorated, in their mental health and in their physical health …”
Image 4 (left) from text “… those who are afraid of the virus are contemptuous of the health of the sick …”
“… die not from the illness but from the neglect …”