Translated from the Hebrew at
Under pressure from the [Israeli] Ministry of Health, and contrary to her wishes, C. vaccinated her son. He has since changed, and is no longer returning to being a healthy person. Her older son also did not respond well to the vaccine: seizures and hospitalizations.
I have been a nurse for 18 years, 12 years as a nurse in the Infant Intensive Care Unit and 5 years as a school nurse.
My oldest son was born when I was a nursing student and with full faith, I vaccinated him with all vaccines.
After the vaccinations at two months, my son began to convulse and was rushed to the hospital. After tests he was hospitalized when the doctors kept saying that there was no connection to the vaccine he received that day.
During the hospitalization, a doctor came to me and asked me if my son was vaccinated. In the light of my answer, he asked me not to vaccinate him anymore.
Due to my naivety and lack of knowledge about the subject and in light of the other doctors’ comments that it was unrelated to the vaccine, I continued to vaccinate it, although with greater spacing between doses, while at the same time continuing to seek information on the subject.
My son suffered from developmental delay, was diagnosed with chronic asthma, and suffered from regular ear infections.
Since conventional medicine was not a good answer for me, I turned to other channels and met a Chinese medicine therapist who explained to me about the damage of vaccines and with his dedicated treatment, helped my son get well.
When my second son was born, I made the decision not to vaccinate. Despite my unequivocal request to avoid vaccination in the hospital, this request was not respected and he was vaccinated for Hepititis B. After that he was not vaccinated.
In 2006, when he was 3 years old, there was an outbreak of measles disease and it was feared that one of the teachers in the school where he studied was exposed to measles. Immediately we began receiving inquiries to all parents that we should give all children a measles vaccine. I refused.
The Ministry of Health found an original way of requiring me to give the vaccine while I went to my workplace which threatened me if I did not vaccinate my son I would be fired.
With a very heavy heart, he was immunized with measles-mumps vaccine (MMR).
A few hours after the vaccine, I saw that something was wrong, he had a glazed look and he had a raised temperature at night. In the morning he was already a different boy.
He lost eye contact, began to stutter, forgetting words. He started having motor problems (fine motor and gross motor), he became very picky about food, started having intestinal problems, sensory problems, lost ability to make social connections, he suffered from severe problems of attention and concentration and sat staring at one point in space.
Today he is 16. All the ultra-Orthodox educational institutions have rejected him because of the difficulty of dealing with a multitude with such difficulties.
The system, of course, turned their backs on us and we were left with the severe injury that the health care system, which is supposed to maintain our health, forced on us.