How Your Doctor Has Been Instructed to Recommend the HPV Vaccine

Informed consent photo

Instructions for Boosting Vaccination Rates
in Medical Offices

5 Ways to Boost HPV Vaccination Rates

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for Healthcare Professionals

CDC (Centers for Disease Control)

“Bundle your recommendation for all adolescent vaccines, including HPV vaccine, in the same way, on the same day. You can start the vaccine discussion with, “Now that your child is 11, he/she needs three vaccines to help protect against meningitis, HPV cancers, and whooping cough. We’ll give these shots during today’s visit. Do you have any questions about these vaccines?” “

Here’s how one doctor provides her patients with informed consent.

“When I recommend pre-teen vaccines, I recommend all three of the vaccines that we intend to do the same way basically… I do give a little bit of information about each vaccine because that’s my informed consent. Just like when I talk about infant vaccines. So, I can talk about all three pre-teen vaccines in about a minute and have my informed consent done at the same time, and kind of avoid the too much information thing.

“So this is how I present things to parents. Today there are three vaccines that I’d like to do… The second one prevents the HPV infection, which is extremely common, in fact, most of us get HPV in our lives and can go on to cause multiple different forms of cancers. That vaccine is given in a series of two. The second one would be given six to 12 months from now.”

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Is Your Doctor an HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion?

The HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion is an annual award given jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)American Cancer Society (ACS)external icon, and Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)external icon. This award recognizes clinicians, clinics, practices, groups, and health systems that are going above and beyond to foster HPV vaccination among adolescents in their communities.

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Dr. Diane Harper on informed consent:

An Interview with Dr. Diane M. Harper, HPV Expert
Huffington Post
March 18 2010
Marcia G. Yerman, contributor

“The most important point that I have always said from day one, is that the use of this vaccine must be done with informed consent and complete disclosure of the benefits and harms of Pap screening and HPV vaccines. The decision to be vaccinated must be the woman’s (or parent’s if it is for a young child), and not the physician’s or any board of health, as the vaccination contains personal risk that only the person can value.

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Validity of the HPV Vaccine
HPV Vaccine: Safety Research/Clinical Trials
HPV Vaccine and Ovarian Failure
Other HPV Vaccine Damage
How Profitable is the HPV Vaccine?

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